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All Collections5. Budgets
5.7 Our budget is maxed out and the rest of the media titles on the pitch list are no longer eligible. Is there a way we can increase the budget to bring them back into scope, or do we have to create a new campaign?
5.7 Our budget is maxed out and the rest of the media titles on the pitch list are no longer eligible. Is there a way we can increase the budget to bring them back into scope, or do we have to create a new campaign?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

How to Clone a Campaign on the Platform

It’s easy to reach more publishers quickly with the clone option on the platform. By cloning your campaign, you can duplicate it and keep the momentum going.

Log onto the platform and hover over the campaign you wish to clone. From there, you will be given the option to duplicate the campaign. Don’t forget to un-select any publishers that have already picked up your original campaign, and replace them with a new batch of publishers.

Need help?

For any further questions or help with this process, please contact your campaign manager or reach out to our customer support team. We’re always happy to help!

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