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4.18 Can I approve a draft of the article before it goes live?
4.18 Can I approve a draft of the article before it goes live?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Charging Model

Similar to traditional PR, there is no approval process between the publisher and you as the advertiser when you run a CPC campaign on the platform.

This means once the publisher accepts the campaign, they hold 100% editorial control. Guided by the inspiration from your brief, they can then create the content that best speaks to their specific audience in their own tone of voice.

As a result, Linkby coverage is typically a lot more organic, can go live and delivers very quickly, and isn't marked as a "paid partnership".

While we refrain from interfering with the publisher's style or tone, we are always able to have any factual inaccuracies amended promptly to ensure accurate representation.

Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) Charging Model

If you are running a campaign on Linkby Pubfeed using the CPM charging model, you do have the opportunity to approve a draft of the article before it goes live. Your account representative will keep you posted when the content is ready so that you can run your final eye over it before anything goes out the door.

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