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7.3 I’ve just run with a publisher and saw great results. Can I re-pitch to this publisher straight away?
7.3 I’ve just run with a publisher and saw great results. Can I re-pitch to this publisher straight away?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

Absolutely! You can either duplicate the existing campaign, or just head back to New Campaign and choose the same stellar publisher, and voila! We do recommend finding a new angle or hook (such as a sale, or different product) to give the publisher a fresh approach for a new article or inclusion.

If you want to keep the momentum, extend your current campaign's timings and budget (where possible). For best results with re-pitching, we suggest waiting we do suggest waiting 4 - 6 weeks to avoid audience fatigue. Most publishers won’t write about the same product back to back. Use this time to test out one of our other great publishers!

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