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9.5 Can you please provide Google Analytics setup instructions so that I can see performance for Linkby campaigns?
9.5 Can you please provide Google Analytics setup instructions so that I can see performance for Linkby campaigns?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

GA Universal

  • Navigate to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages

  • Filter using a Custom Segment: Source = linkby, Medium = cpc (add Campaign if you're running multiple)

  • Watch this quick video on creating a Custom Segment

If all's well, you'll be in the right spot with a Custom Segment (you can name it anything) highlighting Linkby-driven traffic.


  • Go to Reports > Engagement > Pages and screens

  • Set up a Linkby Traffic filter using the steps provided

  • Sort data by Campaign for a clear view

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