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9.4 There is some disparity between reported clicks on your side and ours. Why is this the case?
9.4 There is some disparity between reported clicks on your side and ours. Why is this the case?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

Are you tracking via Google Analytics? If so, please see below instructions to ensure tracking has been set up correctly:

1. Get page views numbers

  • Click on the Reports tab on the left-hand menu bar, then choose Engagement > Pages and Screens.

2. Set up the Linkby Traffic filter

  • Click the Add Comparison + button at the top. This button is next to the blue All User button. There will be a slider dialogue shown on the right.

  • On the slider dialogue, type medium in the dimension dropdown. Then choose Session source/medium.

  • Next, you can choose exact matches in the Match Type dropdown.

  • Then, in the Value dropdown, choose linkby/cpc.

  • Click the Apply button at the bottom right corner.

  • Returning to the blue All User button, there will be a cross icon within the blue bottom now. Click on it. You will see data filtered for Linkby traffic only.

3. Sort the data by Campaign

  • In the middle of the screen, there is a blue plus icon next to the column named Page Title and Screen Class. Click on it.

  • Choose Traffic Source, and then the Session campaign.

After all these steps, the GA report will show the number of page views from Linkby. The

reporting period can be adjusted by choosing the start date and end date from the upper right corner of the page.

If you are still seeing a discrepancy, please share more information so we can investigate this further for you. Please include the campaign name and market, the difference in the number of clicks, the report source, and any additional information that may assist us here.

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