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4.20 The article link doesn’t seem to be working or goes to a 404. How do I get this fixed and when will it work?
4.20 The article link doesn’t seem to be working or goes to a 404. How do I get this fixed and when will it work?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

If the article link is not working for you, it does not necessarily mean the article or campaign is no longer live.

The first thing to check is to make sure that the campaign start date has past.

Sometimes publishers might have prepared the content and entered the link into Linkby (at which point you will receive a notification), but they might have not yet gone live with it internally as they prepare the piece for promotion.

Some publishers have their content geographically "fenced", or in other words only available in certain regions. This may be why you cannot access it if you're outside the campaign and the publisher's region.

Please also try clearing your browsing cache and use a different browser to see if this works.

If the issue persists, please reach out to our team and/or your account manager. We'd be happy to investigate further and fix any issues!

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