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9.3 What happens if a user reads a publisher article and clicks on a Linkby link multiple times
9.3 What happens if a user reads a publisher article and clicks on a Linkby link multiple times
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

Linkby takes click quality seriously, and we have invested heavily into developing mechanisms for fraudulent/malicious/automated traffic detection to ensure that all clicks stem from real users with real shopping intent.

Our proprietary software keeps tabs on excessive clicks from a user and differentiates questionable clicks from typical shopping behavior. Clicking on an article a few times is actually a perfectly normal shopping behavior, and similar to Meta and Google a user might click multiple times on an ad within the same session. In fact, this behavior often signals someone deeper in the conversion funnel who is more likely to transact.

Happy browsing!

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