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All Collections9. Technical Questions
9.8 What protections are in place to prevent click fraud?
9.8 What protections are in place to prevent click fraud?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

Linkby takes click quality seriously, and we have invested heavily into developing mechanisms for fraudulent/malicious/automated traffic detection to ensure that all clicks stem from real users with real shopping intent.

It is in our best interest to make sure our clients get real ROI with their campaigns - we are invested in the long term success of our clients, and only by helping you achieve positive ROI will you continue to run campaigns on the platform. Likewise, it's in the best interest of our publishers to continuously deliver the highest quality clicks so our clients are satisfied and continue to run repeat campaigns with them in the future.

At times, it might be observed via reporting/analytics tools that a user clicked on an article multiple times. We have implemented mechanisms to determine whether these match usual shopping behaviour or if it's the sign of suspicious traffic, and often this type of behaviour indicates someone further down the conversion funnel who is more likely to transact.

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