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4.13 Will the publishers use the information I provided to write their own editorial or will they use my information as is?
4.13 Will the publishers use the information I provided to write their own editorial or will they use my information as is?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

Similar to a traditional press release, publishers use the information you provide within the brief to create their own stories and content. This allows them the fit the content to the style and tone of voice to the publication their audience is familiar with and trust.
Publishers may request information from us if they need anything in addition to the brief. We reach out to you when this occurs to ensure they have everything they need in accordance with your preferences on what to share.

In the case of spelling errors or incorrect factual information being quoted in the publisher's editorial, simply let your account manager know and we will liaise with the publisher to get these corrected.

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