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10.3 What are some best practices and suggestions for setting up our first campaign?
10.3 What are some best practices and suggestions for setting up our first campaign?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

Below are a few suggestions for your first campaign in terms of formatting your brief.

Remember, the more details and key information the publisher can take, the better. We want to ensure that when creating the campaign, we are attracting the publishers to take a bite into the content. High quality images are also helpful.

You can also reach out to your Linkby account manager at any time to get more tailored assistance on specific campaigns.


Generally speaking, your headlines should include:

  • A key USP

  • A newsworthy event

  • A call to action

  • A discount code, if applicable


This is your opportunity to marry the notion that you know your company the best, with each publisher knowing their own respective audiences the best.

Covering these 4 bases will get you there:

  • Who and what is your company (e.g. a little bit of brand story)

  • Key USPs of your company (e.g. what makes you better than the rest)

  • Purpose of the campaign (e.g. product launch, promotional event)

  • What does the offer look like (e.g. a discount code)

We typically recommend putting a CPC in the range of $3-$5.

CPCs can vary depending on region, industry and how universal the product is. As a general rule of thumb: the more universal = lower the CPCs you can flirt with.

What our brands are finding though is that the CPC truly is the secret weapon when it comes to their campaign being picked up swiftly by letting publishers know they're serious about content.

For listicle inclusion around key dates (e.g Black Friday/Cyber Monday): $1-$2 is a good range.


Again, budget recommendations will vary depending on the campaign and number of publishers and regions you wish to target.

We do generally recommend a budget that allows you to test a few different titles that you believe are best-fit for your first campaign. Your Linkby account manager can provide tailored budget recommendations if you need further assistance.

Campaign Duration

We recommend setting up campaigns of 6-12 months in length, with a minimum of 3 months.

While we understand some campaigns will need to be shorter to accommodate sales periods, the campaign duriation is another tool in your kit when it comes to incentivising publishers to pick up the story (e.g. the longer the campaign, the more time they have to earn the budget).

Lead Time

We typically recommend providing a 2-3 week lead time if possible, to ensure publishers have adequate time to prepare and write up the content, as well find an optimal slot for the content to go live.

In addition, allowing for a 2-3 week window after publication gives publishers sufficient time to actively promote the content and drive strong engagement to your brand through their audience.

Link / URL

If you're creating a campaign surrounding a collection, it would be best to link the collection's page.

We typically suggest to allow deeplinking; by selecting to deeplink, the publisher will have full range to promote any product featured on the link provided, giving them more angles to promote!

If you would like the publisher to only focus on a sole product, only then would we not select to deeplink.


Provide as many relevant assets in the form of images or even videos as possible. The qualifier is these should be high quality, relevant and attractive to the publisher's audience.

Each asset must be under 5MB. If you're having difficulty with uploading assets, please refer to our support articles for trouble shooting such issues.


Selecting publishers is also very dependent on the market you're focusing on getting into.

A publisher with good coverage of your ideal or potential customers you want to reach is always a good starting point. And then you can select those that have a tone of voice you like as well!

Do let us know which markets you'd love to target, and your Linkby account manager can help give you tailored recommendations for publishers suitable for your campaign!

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