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1.2 How does Linkby work?
1.2 How does Linkby work?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

How to use Linkby effectively

Linkby is a great way to drive traffic to your site. It operates on a Cost Per Click (CPC) model, ensuring you pay only for the traffic that is successfully driven to your site by the publishers.

Publishers operate within the budget and timeframe you set. The typical budget for getting started with a Linkby campaign is $2,500, however this is not a per-coverage cost but rather a total budget allocation if they achieve desired results. This budget is capped at $2,500, regardless of the volume of clicks.

You are only charged for actual clicks, thus making it cost-efficient. Your funds are not idle; charges occur as soon as results occur. Allocated budget can be split, if you choose to have a larger budget, i.e. $5,000, it can engage two publications each capped at $2,500.

So if a publisher delivers less clicks than your allocated budget allows, you are only ever charged for the actual number of clicks delivered. On the contrary, if the publisher delivers more clicks than your allocated budget, you will only pay a maximum of $2,500 for the campaign.

CPC is only triggered when a reader clicks to your site from the article. This way, you remain in control and pay only for real results!

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