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5.1 How do the campaign budgets work?
5.1 How do the campaign budgets work?
Gillian Dupuis avatar
Written by Gillian Dupuis
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Campaign Budget with Linkby

The campaign budget is a key component of working with Linkby. Linkby uses a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) model, meaning you are only charged when a publisher drives a visitor to your site. Read on to gain a better understanding of how the budget works, and what to expect.

Campaign Budget: The campaign budget is the maximum spend for your campaign, with multiple publishers having the chance to pick it up. You set the budget, which allows for controls on how much you are looking to spend. The budget is then capped, such that you do not exceed the allocated amount. This means that whether an article generates 100 clicks or a million clicks, you only pay for the actual clicks received. The allocated budget can be picked up by multiple publishers, though each publisher is still capped at the value they picked up.

Budget Allocation: Our publishers have a range of allocations. You can find details on this in our platform. It is important to note that the budget is not a per-coverage cost. It is instead a commitment to the total allocation if the publisher delivers results.

Conversions and Other Benefits: While Linkby cannot guarantee conversions due to various factors, there is more to be gained beyond direct sales. Think brand awareness and social proof of being featured on a highly reputable publication. After the campaign, the content usually stays on the publisher's site. The publisher may adjust links or placement after the budget is exhausted. Article removal is not standard practice, although it can happen in certain cases.

Understanding Your Budget

Choosing the right budget for your goals is key for your success within the Linkby platform.

Understanding Your Goals

To achieve success within the Linkby platform, it's important to understand what your goals are. Different goals will require different budgets. For example, if your goal is to acquire a steady stream of new monthly customers, your budget may need to be higher than if your goal was to simply increase brand awareness.

Evaluating Your Current Resources

Once you understand your goals, it's important to evaluate your current resources and determine how much money you can invest in reaching those goals. If you're a small business who has limited resources, you can focus on small, targeted campaigns that have the potential to deliver big results.

Set and Monitor Your Budget

Once you've evaluated your resources and decided how much you are willing to spend, it's important that you stick to those limits and monitor your progress along the way. You may need to make adjustments to your budget, but it's important to prevent yourself from overspending.


Choosing the right budget for your goals within Linkby platform is key for your success. Understanding your goals and evaluating your current resources are two important steps for helping you create an effective budget and limit setting and monitoring your budget are also necessary when creating your plan.

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