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4.12 My campaign isn’t getting picked up, what can I do?
4.12 My campaign isn’t getting picked up, what can I do?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

The acceptance of campaigns varies a bit, it's always case-by-case, and your brief or campaign set up is only part of the equation.

If your campaign hasn't been accepted, there's a few things you can look at:

  1. Invite more publishers - If the campaign is only pitched to a few titles, adding in more publishers and casting a wider net can help it get picked up. If you'd like help with this, check out our resources section for the full list of publishers or reach out to your account manager for further support!

  2. Extend the campaign duration - If the campaign has a short duration, aim to extend it out as long as possible. Longer campaigns increases the chance of publishers being able to fit it in their schedule and therefore picking it up.

  3. Increase the CPC - Increasing the CPC makes the campaign more attractive to publishers on their dashboards when compared to other campaigns, thereby putting you in a stronger position to see acceptance!

  4. Give a call to action - There are certain angles that tend to work really well with publisher audiences. These include exclusive discount codes, high quality images, and a celebrity hook. If available, these could be valuable features to add to our campaign as publishers can more easily visualise it performing strongly with their readership.

If you've tried the above and are still struggling to get your campaign accepted, reach out to your account manager. They'll be able to give you tailored advice for specific campaigns!

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