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All Collections4. CampaignsCreating Campaigns
4.4 What publishers should I select?
4.4 What publishers should I select?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

Selecting publishers is very dependent on the market you're focusing on getting into and who would have a good audience fit.

You are free to select your favourite publications and your account manager can assist you in refining this once the brief is submitted as well.

Generally, we recommend you consider and select all the publishers that you consider will have an audience that would most likely be interested in your products or services.

You're able to pitch multiple publishers for the campaign, which we actually encourage our brands to do! Each publisher can see on their end that there are other players in the game, and so it creates a sense of urgency to pick up the campaign quickly as it works on a first come, first serve basis.

Here's a quick example of that - let's say I'm pitching to Buzzfeed Canada, Bustle, and BroBible who all have a $5,000 minimum campaign budget:

  • With $5,000 as my budget, 1 of the 3 publishers can pick it up. Assuming Buzzfeed Canada accepts it first - they can now earn the full $5,000 depending on performance, and Bustle/BroBible miss out on the campaign (again - first come, first serve).

  • With $10,000 as my budget, 2 of the 3 publishers can pick it up. If Buzzfeed Canada & Bustle accept first - they can each earn up to $5,000. BroBible misses out.

  • If I put $15,000 as my budget, all 3 publishers can pick it up and each earn up to $5,000.

You can see a full list of publishers and our recommendations when you go through the campaign set up process. For more details on how budgets work, please refer to that section of our support articles. You can also refer to the Resources section for this list and further tips and examples for campaign set ups.

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