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All Collections8. Pubfeed
8.1 What is Linkby Pubfeed and how does it work?
8.1 What is Linkby Pubfeed and how does it work?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

Linkby Pubfeed is an innovative advertising solution to rapidly get your brand featured in front of millions of eyeballs across some of the largest global publishers.

We have partnered with a network of high quality publications to provide a native-looking ad unit appearing at the end of each publication's organic content, creating an almost infinite scroll viewing experience for the end-users that yields much higher click through rates and ROI for you as the advertiser.

When you select Linkby Pubfeed as a placement option for your campaign, the Linkby editorial team will tailor-make a dedicated article for your brand (headline, content, images - the works) and feature this across publications most relevant to you. When it appears on each publication, the content looks, feels, and reads native to the style & design of each individual publisher site.

Linkby Pubfeed is the quickest way to help your brand reach mass audiences at scale across the highest number of publications, and ensures consistency in your brand's portrayal. You also have the flexibility to work on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) model, which makes it a perfect option whether you are performance focused or want to increase brand awareness.

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