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4.14 How many articles will a publisher release per campaign?
4.14 How many articles will a publisher release per campaign?
Kevin Chen avatar
Written by Kevin Chen
Updated over a week ago

It is up to the discretion of the publisher on how many pieces are to be released (dedicated, listicle, newsletter etc.) to ensure the best use of the budget that was provided.

Similarly, where the publisher has multiple titles, they decide which title(s) they will post on based on their insights as to where the content will perform best

They will of course abide by the details you provided in the brief across all pieces related to a campaign.

Publisher can sometimes publish more than one piece of content per campaign, but the norm is one piece of content per campaign.

Keep in mind that your campaign spend is always capped at the budget that you have set, so regardless of how many pieces of content a publisher publishes, you will never pay extra (just means more coverage for you!).

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